3 Books to Overcome Stress & Anxiety
Whether you’ve struggled with anxiety for decades or if it’s a new symptom thanks to perimenopause, you know it can feel overwhelming. Like many changes in our 40’s and beyond, stress and anxiety aren’t something that needs to fought against. Instead, we can learn to understand anxiety and listen to the messages it has for us. As we become more skilled in navigating our emotions, we can overcome stress and anxiety to be happier, healthier, and more resilient. Add these three books to your reading list so you can discover how to overcome stress and anxiety.
Book 1 to Overcome Stress & Anxiety
Stress Resets: How to Soothe Your Body and Mind in Minutes by Dr. Jennifer Taitz
Dr. Taitz, clinical psychologist, shares 75 quick, actionable, and scientifically proven techniques to alleviate stress in the moment. You’ll learn how to use positive self-talk, how to shift your perspective, and how mindfulness can prevent anxiety. This book will help you recalibrate in real time so you can problem solve rather than continuing to spiral. I love the practical in-the-moment tools as well as the big picture overview on anxiety because we need both.
Book 2 to Overcome Stress & Anxiety
The Anatomy of Anxiety: Understanding and Overcoming the Body’s Fear Response by Dr. Ellen Vora
Psychiatrist Dr. Vora will convince you that anxiety is a physiologic issue, which means there are very doable solutions. I love the distinction she makes between “false anxiety” and “real anxiety.” False anxiety is largely self-induced (which is good news because that means it’s fixable!). For example, if you’re over-caffeinated, under-slept, dehydrated, and sedentary, it’s no surprise you’re feeling anxious. Once we’ve resolve false anxiety with healthier lifestyle choices, that just might solve the problem. But if there is any remaining true anxiety, it’s not to be medicated or suppressed. Anxiety is a signal that something needs to change. This book will give you hope and strategies.
Book 3 to Overcome Stress & Anxiety
Good Anxiety: Harnessing the Power of the Most Misunderstood Emotion by Dr. Wendy Suzuki
If you’re not convinced that anxiety is helpful, useful, and, well, good, neuroscientist Dr. Suzuki will set you straight. Imagine where we’d be without anxiety to protect us! You’ll learn some of the brain science behind anxiety. And you’ll learn practices to regulate your emotions. Like breath work, mindfulness, journaling, movement and exercise, and reframing. I really love Dr. Suzuki’s positivity. If you’re listening to the audio book, you’ll feel like she’s cheering you on and you can do anything!
If you’ve been feeling overwhelmed by stress and anxiety, you’re not alone! And you’re not stuck. There are tools that can help you in the moment and there are lifestyle changes and mindset shifts to help you. Anxiety isn’t the enemy. And stress is part of the human experience. Now it’s up to you what you do with the information and messages your mind and body are sending you through emotions like anxiety.
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