Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 6 Saucha
The Niyamas, or observances, tell us what qualities to cultivate. Saucha, cleanliness or purification, is the first Niyama. We cleanse the external by picking up after ourselves at the yoga studio; putting our weights away when we’re finished at the gym; and keeping our home clean and uncluttered. We purify the internal with meditation; being discriminating about what watch, read, listen to, and say; and by maintaining a healthy body with a nutritious diet, yoga, and exercise. Saucha also means keeping different energies separate. For example, we keep a work-life balance by not bringing work home with us at night and by leaving the phone off during family dinners.
A place for everything, everything in its place.
-Benjamin Franklin
Here’s how I practice Saucha in my personal and professional life:
I keep my home, for the most part, neat and organized. One of my goals for this year is to declutter a space I use for storage. I also practice Saucha by keeping areas energetically “clean.” I have dedicated spaces for different activities: an office space for work, a corner with my altar, yoga mat, and meditation cushion for my morning routine, the living room is home for my one T.V., and I’ve been sitting at my dining room table more and more lately to enjoy my meals.
In the studio and at the gym, I use my own mat and blocks for yoga, I never walk on someone else’s yoga mat, and after class or a workout, I return everything to its place, even if that’s not where I found it.
I practice Saucha in my physical body with my daily routine and habits. I eat a vegan diet that’s mostly organic whole foods. I’ve rid my kitchen of plastic containers and I make my own skin care products to avoid toxic chemicals. I exercise, practice yoga, and incorporate Ayurvedic techniques like tongue scrapping and eating for my dosha.
I keep my mind pure with daily inspirational readings and meditation, I avoid inflammatory news programs, trashy magazines, and “reality” T.V. I instead choose enlightening audiobooks, interesting documentaries, informative podcasts, and movies and shows that make me laugh.
Practicing Saucha helps me maintain balance in my life, be more present, and avoid multitasking. It reminds me that if I wouldn’t sleep at the dining room table, then I shouldn’t eat in bed, if I wouldn’t do burpees while having tea with a friend, then I shouldn’t check social media during my workout. It teaches me that there’s a time and place for everything.
Up next in part seven, Santosha, contentment.
Alicia Cross is a Certified Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, and Yoga Instructor with more than 15 years’ experience working with clients in classes and one-on-one. She is a yogi, meditator, vegan, and lifter of heavy things. If you’re ready to discover the strength and peace that comes from within, email