Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 9 Svadhyaya
Svadhyaya, self-study is the forth Niyama. This is the process of knowing ourselves, our true selves. We practice Svadhaya by reading, learning, meditating, and reflecting. As we study various subjects, from spirituality and philosophy, to science, art, and history, we understand ourselves better. A meditation practice helps us uncover the ego that is blocking us from seeing our true nature. Taking time for introspection and reflection reveals things about ourselves that we otherwise miss as we go through the motions of daily life. Svadhyaya is like cleaning out a closet. We have to open all the boxes to see what we have. We look honestly at all parts of ourselves. We can decide what to keep and what to let go of.
If you want to study yourself –look into the hearts of other people.
If you want to study other people –look into your own heart.
–Friedrich Von Schiller
Here’s how I practice Svadhyaya:
I listen to inspiring and educational audiobooks and podcasts. I learn so much about life and myself listening to the hosts, guests, and authors. I understand myself better as they verbalize concepts I couldn’t express. It helps me to put my ideas and beliefs into words. Sometimes I feel affirmed or justified when I realized, it’s not just me. Other times I’m enlightened to discover my own unique perspective.
I have a daily breath-based, mindfulness meditation practice. On the cushion, I notice as thoughts arises and I return to my breath. This practice has allowed me to see how active the ego is in my mind. I’ve learned that I can’t control it, but I also don’t have to let it control me. Discovering the ego, hiding in plain sight, I can now look for what’s not the ego. And there I begin to find my true self. This practice transfers to life off the cushion; I can respond rather than react, live less habitually, and determine for myself what really matters.
I wind down at night by journaling. I reflect on the events of my day. I have a weekly review every Sunday and a big review every 6 months. Reading back through my entries is eye-opening; I can see patterns, pitfalls, and accomplishments that otherwise go unnoticed and unappreciated.
Practicing Svadhyaya, I cultivate the longest and most valuable relationship I’ll ever have, the one with myself.
Finally, up next in part ten: Ishvara Pranidhana, surrender.
Alicia Cross is a Certified Personal Trainer, Wellness Coach, and Yoga Instructor with more than 15 years’ experience working with clients in classes and one-on-one. She is a yogi, meditator, vegan, and lifter of heavy things. If you’re ready to discover the strength and peace that comes from within, email