The First Step: Get Your Mind Right
A journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. -Lao Tzu No doubt you’ve heard this saying before. Maybe it’s becoming a bit of a cliché. But I challenge you to rethink the idea of the first step. The first step happens even before you sign up for the race, walk into the gym […]
You Are What You Digest
You’ve probably heard the saying you are what you eat. According to Ayurveda, it’s more accurate to say you are what you digest. It doesn’t matter what you eat if you’re not properly digesting and assimilating all of the nutrients and prana (vital energy) from your food. Improperly digested food creates Ama, a toxic build-up of sludge […]
Sleep: The Foundation of Recovery
As an adult human, you need 7-9 hours of sleep per night. Whatever your goal (to get bigger, leaner, stronger, healthier, faster, etc), prioritizing sleep will help you accomplish it. Many of the benefits of training do not happen in the gym. They happen at night while you’re sleeping. Often sleep-deprived people rationalize their poor […]
Ayurveda: The Science of Living Well
What is Ayurveda? Ayurveda is the sister science of yoga. Ayu meaning life and Veda meaning truth, knowledge, or science. It’s a 5000-year-old method of preventing disease and increasing vitality and longevity naturally with diet, herbs, exercise, yoga, and meditation. Ayurveda is becoming more popular here in the West as more people are discovering the healing benefits […]