Practice the 8 Limbs of Yoga to Address the 5 Layers of Being
The Eight Limbs of Ashtanga Yoga: Yamas: Non-harming, Truthfulness, Non-stealing, Moderation, Non-attachment Niyamas: Cleanliness, Contentment, Self-discipline, Self-study, Surrender Asanas: Postures Pranayama: Expansion of vital life force a.k.a. breathing practices Pratyahara: Withdrawal from the senses Dharana: Concentration Dhyana: Meditation Samadhi: Nirvana According to yogic philosophy, the true self, the soul, is surrounded by five koshas, or […]
Falling Off the Fitness Wagon?
Is your enthusiasm for exercise fizzling out? Are there more excuses than workouts lately? If you feel your routine slipping and you want to do something about it, here is my best advice to avoid completing falling off the fitness wagon. Evaluate your current stats: Record your weight, body fat percentage, resting heart […]
6 Yoga Poses For Your Back VIDEOS
Thinking about yoga for your back pain? Here are my favorite flows and stretches to take care of an achy back. You can practice these everyday. Try them in morning, before bed, or after a workout. Alternating Spinal Balance: If you don’t have a dowel, imagine you’re balancing a pot of hot green tea on […]
You Can’t Out-Exercise a Bad Diet
Did you start exercising to lose weight? How’s it going? Chances are, you’re looking more “toned,” you have more energy, you’re sleeping better a night, aches and pains have subsided, you have more confidence, and maybe your clothes fit better. But the scale hasn’t budged. Don’t cancel your gym membership or fire your trainer, blame […]