Hatha Yoga Timeline
Q: Does practicing Yoga make you a Hindu? A: Great question! You can subscribe to any religion, philosophy, or spiritual practice or to none at all and experience the healing benefits of Yoga. Yoga now mostly means a class we attend or a series or flow of postures (asanas). The word Yoga comes from yoke, […]
There Is No One Thing
In Real Happiness, Sharon Salzburg says that meditation is like “trying to split a huge piece of wood with a small ax. You hit that piece of wood ninety-nine times and nothing happens. Then you hit it the one hundredth time and it splits open.” She adds that it wasn’t the hundredth hit that […]
Weightlifting Belt for Back Pain?
Q: My back hurts when I deadlift. Should I wear a weightlifting belt? A: The purpose of a weightlifting belt is performance enhancement, not injury prevention. When used correctly, it creates additional intra-abdominal pressure to support the back through a lift. The belt is worn for compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, Olympics lifts and […]
We’re Never Mad at the Barbell
Stress has a bad rap. The right amount of stress at the right time, however, is key for our survival, our growth, and our happiness. A stressful event triggers our body’s stress response. The response ranges from jolting us into action in a life-threatening emergency to driving us to reach our goals and tackling our […]