Low Back Pain: Part 1 (Self-Myofascial Release)
If you’re like millions of Americans, you’ve experience low back pain at some point or even chronically. While you may feel like popping an Advil and curling up on the couch, that’s actually the worse thing you could do. Instead, focus on gentle movements like these when you’re in the early stages of feeling like […]
20 Healthy Travel Snacks
Heading out on a road trip or have a long day away from home? Don’t forget healthy travel snacks! When you have healthy snacks on hand, you won’t find yourself skipping meals (and overeating when you finally get home) or eating whatever junk or fast food you can grab while on the road. Many of […]
The Most Important Thing in Life
What do you think the most important thing in life is? Think about your answer before reading on! Maybe something like love came to mind. Let’s take love as an example. Yes, love is a feeling, an emotion. But I like the saying, Love is verb. If you’re familiar with […]
5 Tips to Eat Healthier
Most fitness goals are some form of looking good and/or feeling better. And you can’t accomplish either of those without focusing on your nutrition. Whether you made a resolution to eat healthier this year or if you have a fitness goal you’re chasing, nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated! Start by making small, sustainable changes […]