The Most Important Thing in Life
What do you think the most important thing in life is? Think about your answer before reading on!
Maybe something like love came to mind. Let’s take love as an example. Yes, love is a feeling, an emotion. But I like the saying, Love is verb. If you’re familiar with The 5 Love Languages (Acts of Service, Words of Affirmation, Touch, Quality Time, and Gifts), you can see each one of these involves taking an action. You have to do something in order to show your partner they are loved.
If you thought of something other than love, like relationships, family, contribution, health, or whatever, they all involve taking an action. Relationships take work to be successful. Family will keep you busier than ever. Contribution, even if you’re writing a check, that’s an action (plus you probably worked hard to earn the money to contribute). And for health, I think you know what I’m going to say!
None of these are theoretical. Positive thoughts and good intentions alone won’t save the planet, bring you good health, or make you a good partner or parent. The most important things in life all have in common that they require action. Without action, they just don’t exist.
That is why ACTION is the most important thing in life.
What about faith or a higher power?
A few years ago I was lucky enough to be invited by one of my clients to a private talk by the Dalai Lama at the Institute of Peace. His message to us that day was it’s not enough to pray – you also have to take action. He was telling us that if something has moved us enough to pray about it, we need to take action on it.
What about in your own life? What do you value most? What are you praying for?
It’s not enough to wish. You also have to work hard.
It’s not enough to dream. You also have to be disciplined.
It’s not enough to hope. You also have to hustle for what you want.
You have to take action, because action is the most important thing in life.
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