6 Tips for Belly Fat
Belly fat is not only terrible for our health, it’s also one of the things we dread seeing when we look in the mirror or see pictures of ourselves. Belly fat is one of the biggest complaints I hear from clients. Especially because it seems to creep up on us. You hit a certain and age and suddenly you’re dealing with this change in your body shape your younger-self never had. The good news is, there is something you can do about it! Here are my 6 best tips for belly fat and looking leaner in your midsection:
1. Do Pilates at least once each week.
And not because exercise has the ability to reduce fat (aka spot training). Do Pilates because having weak abdominals and poor posture make your belly stick out and look bigger. Pilates exercises train the deep transverse abdominal muscles that wrap all the way around your midsection like a girdle. This muscle naturally has an hourglass shape. So when you strengthen it, that’s what you’re going to see. Many Pilates exercises also focus on drawing the low belly in. This is the “scooping” cue you always hear. And while there is no such thing as “lower abs,” you will benefit from training your abs to draw in rather than pushing out during exercises.
2. Drink 100oz of water and eat fermented foods daily.
If you have poor digestion or constipation, that will lead to bloating. Your body needs water to process the foods you’re eating and eliminate waste. Eating high-fiber isn’t enough. If you’re increasing your fiber intake by eating more colorful vegetables and whole grains but not drinking enough water, that can actually cause constipation. To keep things moving, make sure your drinking 100oz of water every day. Eating fermented foods daily can improve gut health and reduce bloating.
3. Manage Stress.
Unrelenting stress is not good for your health or your waistline. Some of the stress hormones your body releases will directly cause more fat to be stored in the belly. This visceral fat is the most dangerous kind. If you can control, limit, or eliminate the external stressors in your life, make those changes. For everything else, have an active stress management practice (like meditation, yoga, and/or breath work) and change the way you think about stress. Read The Upside of Stress by Kelly McGonigal to learn how to reframe the stressors you can’t avoid. Lastly, stop adding more stress to your system with high-intensity workouts like bootcamp, HIIT, circuits, and running. These workouts, especially for women over 40, will lead to more belly fat.
4. Strength Train.
Instead of all those high-stress bootcamp workouts, strength train 2-4 days per week. Think about this: you lose muscle with age. As your shoulders, legs, and glutes wither away, that will only make your belly look bigger in comparison. But if you instead build and preserve muscle in these areas, you’ll create a more youthful appearance and the illusion of a smaller belly.
5. Eat more protein.
I see too many women stuck in the false belief that they have to eat less. And when they apply belief to protein, that sets them up for failure. Protein is your best friend when you’re losing body fat. Studies have found that you can overeat and not gain fat, so long as you overeat protein. Part of the reason is that protein has the highest thermic effect of the three macro nutrients. That means your body burns the most calories during the digestion of protein compared to the digestion of fat and carbs. Eating a full serving of protein (20-40g) at each meal (3-5 times daily) stimulates muscle growth. Remember, you can eat up to 1g of protein per pound of bodyweight (or per pound of goal bodyweight if you have a lot of weight to lose). And when it comes protein, don’t get stuck in diet mentality. Eating less will not get you to your fat-loss goals faster.
6. Don’t be afraid to gain lean muscle.
Translation: Don’t be afraid to gain weight! I know you think you need the scale to go down in order to see your belly flatten, but it’s that false belief that has you stuck. Forget about the number on the scale and remember your goal: to look good and feel good. Strength training and increasing protein will help you create the body and the shape you want. Who cares what the scale reads if you look amazing?!
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