Why You Need An Activity Tracker
Do you remember the days before smart watches? All of us at the gym before class wetting the chest strap’s transmitter so it would pick up our heart rate for the workout. It’s amazing how far the technology has come in less than 10 years. Now instead of strapping on the Polar for the workout, we wear our smart watches […]
Rest vs. Recovery
A trending phrase that’s got me fired up right now is rest day. Recovery day? Yes! Active Recovery? Even better! But rest and recovery get used interchangeably. And they’re not the same. To rest is to stop working. As a training variable, rest is the time between sets or intervals. Globally, it means no work […]
Kapha Balancing Practices
Kapha is one of the three Ayurvedic Doshas, or constitutions. The Kapha season is late Winter through early Spring (depending on where you’re at in the world). Supportive qualities of Kapha: compassionate, sweet, forgiving, warm, ‘huggers’, loving, stable strong stamina and endurance, grounded Symptoms of imbalanced Kapha: clingy, hoarder, people-pleasing, unable to say ‘no’, lethargic, […]
Kapha Balancing Foods
Kapha is one of the three Ayurvedic Doshas, or constitutions. The Kapha season is late Winter through early Spring (depending on where you’re at in the world). If you’re experiencing an imbalance of Kapha Dosha, or you want to eat for the season, here are some tips for you. In general, favor bitter, pungent (spicy), […]