5 Steps to Solve Any Problem VIDEO
Do you have a problem you need to solve? Grab your journal and follow these 5 steps: O.S.C.A.R. 1. Outcome: What’s the problem? What’s your goal (short-term, long-term, and stretch)? What does success look like? Be specific. 2. Situation: Why is this an issue for you? How is this problem impacting other […]
Vata Balancing Foods, Exercises, and Daily Routines VIDEO
Ayurveda is the Science of Life. It’s the sister-science to Yoga. Ayurveda is based on the 3 Doshas: Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. We each have all 3 Doshas within us. At the time of our birth, one Dosha will be predominant. Throughout our life we can become dominant in a different Dosha. We say that […]
Kitchari Recipe
Kitchari can be eaten as an Ayurvedic cleanse. This porridge-like mix of rice, beans, and vegetables is easy to digest, giving your digestive system a break. Ingredients: 1 cup white basmati rice 1 cup yellow split mung beans (soaked overnight) 6 cups water or broth 3 Tbsp Olive Oil […]
Yoga for Chronic Pain VIDEO
Pain is not a thing in your body that can be taken out. It is 100% in your mind. So when people used to dismissively say “it’s all in your head,” the joke’s on them because it IS all your head. The whole world is in your head! Please don’t think this means I’m saying […]