Practice Mindful Eating to Reach Your Goals
Do you need to lose weight? Are you trying to avoid gaining weight? Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight take more than counting calories and timing your meals. Studies show it also takes mindful eating. Practice these 6 mindful eating tips to get healthy and reach your goals: Portion your food for more awareness […]
Everything in Moderation or Worst Advice Ever
Is everything o.k. in moderate? No; There’s no amount of hydrogenated oil or second-hand smoke that is considered healthy. And for some people, even a little alcohol, gluten, or peanuts can lead to trouble. Is moderation a good rule to follow for nutrition habits? It depends; You have to know yourself to know if moderation […]
Goals or Resolutions? You Need Both
Do you have health and fitness goals and resolutions? You need both. A goal is the finish line. Once you’ve accomplished it, it gets crossed off your list. It’s done; You lost 10lbs, hit that PR at the gym, or completed a race. Resolutions, on the other hand, are the intentions that drive you to […]
Strengthen Your Core Without Sit-ups or Crunches!
Here are five of my favorite exercises to strengthen the core without sit-ups or crunches: Plank: Beginning in all fours, lower elbows to the ground and extend one leg back at a time. Keep the body parallel to the floor. Push the ground away with the elbows, draw navel to the spine, squeeze the legs, […]