Does Muscle Soreness Equal A Good Workout?
Do you judge the effectiveness of your workout by how sore you are afterwards? Let’s set the record straight when it comes to muscle soreness or DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). Firstly, soreness is not the same as pain. If you have joint pain during an exercise or following a workout, that’s something to pay […]
3 Things You Can Do Right Now to Improve Your Nutrition
If you want to feel fitter and healthier, be in a better mood, and have more energy all day long, start making small improvements to your nutrition. If you don’t know where to begin (or if you’ve gotten a little off track this season) here are 3 things you can do right now to improve […]
4 Tips for Getting More Protein
You know protein is the most important macronutrient, especially if you have a fat-loss goal. But some days (or all the days) you struggle to eat of 1g per pound of bodyweight. How do you hit your target consistently so you can crush your goals? I’ve got 4 tips for getting more protein! […]
My Morning Routine
We all have a morning routine. The questions to ask though are did you create your morning routine on purpose and is it supporting you. I’m a creature of habit and always looking for ways to feel better, improve my health, and have more energy. Long before the idea of a morning routine was all […]