Check Your HRV and RHR Daily to Avoid Overtraining
When we exercise, our heart speeds up, we sweat, muscles get tense, and our blood pressure rises. We are in “fight or flight.” Introducing a bit of stress this way is beneficial: our muscles grow stronger, our bones become denser, immunity improves, as our heart gets more efficient resting heart rate decreases, and we become […]
Hatha Yoga Timeline
Q: Does practicing Yoga make you a Hindu? A: Great question! You can subscribe to any religion, philosophy, or spiritual practice or to none at all and experience the healing benefits of Yoga. Yoga now mostly means a class we attend or a series or flow of postures (asanas). The word Yoga comes from yoke, […]
There Is No One Thing
In Real Happiness, Sharon Salzburg says that meditation is like “trying to split a huge piece of wood with a small ax. You hit that piece of wood ninety-nine times and nothing happens. Then you hit it the one hundredth time and it splits open.” She adds that it wasn’t the hundredth hit that […]
Weightlifting Belt for Back Pain?
Q: My back hurts when I deadlift. Should I wear a weightlifting belt? A: The purpose of a weightlifting belt is performance enhancement, not injury prevention. When used correctly, it creates additional intra-abdominal pressure to support the back through a lift. The belt is worn for compound exercises like squats, deadlifts, Olympics lifts and […]