Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 10 Ishvara Pranidhana
Ishvara Pranidhana, surrender, is the last of the Niyamas. It means having faith that everything will always turn out exactly the way it’s supposed to. Faith is not an excuse to sit idly by and let life happen to you, nor is it a fatalist “nothing I do matters anyway” philosophy. It’s about balance: striving […]
Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 9 Svadhyaya
Svadhyaya, self-study is the forth Niyama. This is the process of knowing ourselves, our true selves. We practice Svadhaya by reading, learning, meditating, and reflecting. As we study various subjects, from spirituality and philosophy, to science, art, and history, we understand ourselves better. A meditation practice helps us uncover the ego that is blocking us […]
Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 8 Tapas
Tapas, self-discipline, is the third Niyama. Tapas literally means heat. Transformation requires heat. Dough is baked in the oven to form bread, clay is fired in the kiln to create pottery, iron and glass are passed through the flames so that they may be molded and shaped. So too must we hold ourselves to the […]
Live Your Yoga Off the Mat Part 7 Santosha
Santosha, contentment, is the second Niyama. Being content means being happy with the present moment just as it is. It’s knowing that happiness comes from within and that no one or nothing external can make us happy. Santosha is about accepting without judgement and moving past the mindset that says I’ll be happy when… But […]