Throat Chakra
5th Chakra: Throat. Vissudha (purification) Location: throat Body: neck (our mind/body connection point), shoulders, mouth, jaw System: respiratory Gland: Thyroid: metabolism, body temperature, growth, repair, blood calcium and phosphate levels Element: Sound and Ether/space or akaash in the Vastu (Vedic) system. Color: turquoise/bright blue Sense: hearing Bija (Seed) Sound: HAM Identity: creative identity Purpose: upward […]
Heart Chakra
4th Chakra: Heart. Anahata (unhurt or unstruck) Location: center of chest Body: lungs, heart, pericardium, upper back, ribs, arms, hands System: Respiratory, circulatory, immune, lymphatic Gland: thymus (maturation site for T cells, most active until pre-teens) Element: Air (called Vayu in the Vedic system) Color: Green (or Pink) Sense: touch Bija (Seed) Sound: YAM Identity: […]
Solar Plexus Chakra
3rd Chakra: Solar Plexus (also called Navel). Manipura (Lustrous gem) Location: Solar Plexus/Above Navel Body: Abdominals, Abdomen, stomach, liver, pancreas, gall bladder System: Digestive (metabolism) Gland: Adrenals (also 1st chakra), Pancreas (produces insulin to lower blood sugar and glucagon to raise it) Element: Fire (in Feng Shui and Vastu fire represents transformation, passion, change, expansion) […]
Sacral Chakra
2nd Chakra: Sacral. Svadhisthana (One’s Own Place) Location: Sacral area Body: Hips, sacrum, low back, abdomen, genitals, bladder, kidneys, urinary tract, reproductive system, womb, overies, testicles, genitals System: reproductive Gland: Ovaries, Testes Element: Water. In Feng Shui water represents release and renewal. Color: Orange Sense: Taste Bija (Seed) Sound: VAM Identity: Emotional Identity Purpose: Movement. […]