6 Tips for Belly Fat
Belly fat is not only terrible for our health, it’s also one of the things we dread seeing when we look in the mirror or see pictures of ourselves. Belly fat is one of the biggest complaints I hear from clients. Especially because it seems to creep up on us. You hit a certain and […]
8 Reasons Why You Should Do Pilates
Flashback 17 years ago: I was teaching Cardio Kickboxing and Cycling and strength training on the machines at the gym and I was always sore. I remember hobbling down the stairs leaving the gym one day. You know the way you do two or three days following a good leg day? Only I hobbled down […]
14 Food Ingredients to Avoid
Want to lose weight but don’t want to count calories or log every bite of food? One strategy is to eliminate (or cut back on) ultra-processed foods. Here’s why: A study found that when people were allowed to eat as much as they wanted, those who ate highly-processed foods ate on average 500 more calories […]
Lose Weight Without Counting Calories
While I do believe tracking and logging your nutrition is a worthwhile learning experience, I know not everyone will do it. And the good news is, that’s not the only way to reach your goals. If you some weight to lose and you’re already strength training, making a few behavioral changes around eating will lead […]