Are You Making These 3 Weight-Loss Mistakes?
If you want to lose weight, these are the 3 biggest weight-loss mistakes I see and their solutions: Weight-Loss Mistake 1: Not eating enough protein. Too often, women especially think they need to eat less to lose weight. Then they apply this false belief to protein. That’s crazy! Protein is your best friend when losing […]
The 6 Basic Strength Movements
If you’re new to strength training or new to following a progressive strength routine, here are the 6 basic strength movements you need to do each week: Strength Movement 1) Hip Hinge A Romanian Deadlift or RDL is the perfect example of a hip hinge exercise. This can be done with dumbbells, kettlebells, a barbell, […]
7 Things You Can Do to Feel Better
Feeling fatigued, burnt-out, or unmotivated? Here are 7 things you can do to feel better now: 1. Hydrate. Most people are chronically under-hydrated. It’s amazing how much better you feel when you drink enough water. Your body will feel better, you’ll have more energy, your digestive system will work better, and you’ll be more focused. […]
The Truth About Protein Bars
If you have fat-loss goals, you know you need more protein. But should you add protein bars to your daily nutrition routine? It’s best to get your protein from whole foods such as meat, eggs, greek yogurt, and plant-based sources. But that’s not always realistic. Which is why adding a daily protein supplement can […]